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Standard Customer Agreement

Simple, agile, change, and efficiency are the Company's core values that we always strive to keep in mind when providing service to our beneficiaries. As a Beneficiary of AWASR, the terms and conditions described below will govern the contractual relationship during your use of our services. These terms and conditions are of utmost importance, so please read them carefully.

If you did not receive the appropriate service and would like to receive technical assistance, please contact us through the following channels:
• Contact the Beneficiary Service Center on phone number 80001000
• Email:
• Website:
• AWASR application
• Visit one of our stores or outlets during working hours.
• Visit the Company’s head office in Building No. 5, fourth floor - Knowledge Oasis Muscat
• Contact the Company at P.O. Box: 53, postal code 135 - Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

In applying the provisions of this Agreement, the words and phrases contained therein shall have the same meaning as stipulated in the Regulations Regulating the Rights of Beneficiaries of Telecommunications Services. The following words and phrases shall also have the meaning indicated next to each of them unless the context of the text requires another meaning:

Article (1): Definitions

1-1 Company or AWASR: AWASR Oman and Partners (SAOC)
1-2 Agents: means any of the contractors, suppliers or merchants appointed by AWASR to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement.
1-3 Standard Service Agreement (“Agreement”): A general agreement for beneficiaries that includes the conditions and methods for providing the Beneficiary with licensed telecommunications services.
1-4 Service Contract: The contract concluded between the licensee and the Beneficiary to provide the service.
1-5 Billing Cycle: means the period during which the monthly bill is prepared for the Beneficiary, beginning on a specific date each month, and continuing until the day before that date of the following month (for example, the first day from the beginning of the month until the end of the same month). The number of days in Billing Cycles changes depending on the number of days in the month, and the Beneficiary will be notified of their Billing Cycle when they sign the Service Contract.
1-6 Fees: All monthly fees payable for providing the service, and any other additional fees payable by the Beneficiary.
1-7 Connection: Connecting the Beneficiary’s website to the network to provide the services provided by AWASR to the Beneficiary in accordance with the Agreement.
1-8 Coverage: The geographical scope in which AWASR is able to provide the service.
1-9 Beneficiary Care: means AWASR’s Beneficiary Service Center.
1-10 Equipment/ Devices: Equipment and devices installed at the Beneficiary’s premises and provided by AWASR for the purpose of connecting the Beneficiary to its network to provide services.
1-11 Due date: 30 calendar days from receipt of bill.
1-12 Bill Date: The date on which the bill in question is issued.
1-13 AWASR On-Net: means any local or international network that is not affiliated with AWASR and over which AWASR has no control.
1-14 Service(s): means the telecommunications services provided by AWASR, including broadband services, voice calling, and other additional services provided by AWASR or one of its Agents under the terms of this agreement.
1-15 Suspension of the Service/ services: means prohibiting the use of the service/ services.
1-16 User: means any person who uses the services.
1-17 Authority: Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
1-18 Beneficiary: The person to whom telecommunications services are provided or who requests the provision of these services by the licensee.
1-19 Force Majeure: Events that cannot be expected, avoided, guarded against, or confronted with effective preventive measures without any error or negligence, including, but not limited to, natural disasters, wars, and pandemics, the result of whose occurrence makes the implementation of the contractual obligation, if not impossible, burdensome.
1-20 Fair Usage Policy: means a policy that aims to protect network resources available to beneficiaries by imposing a set of restrictions or maximum limits to ensure that the service is not misused and so that every Beneficiary can use the service fairly.
1-21 International Mobile Equipment Identifier: A unique 15-digit identity that is assigned by the International Mobile Networks Association to every mobile communications device in the world and cannot be duplicated in another mobile device.

Article (2): Terms and conditions for providing telecommunications services

2-1 This agreement shall enter into force as of the date of submitting and signing the Service Contract through one of the Company’s sales channels, and the Company’s confirmation of its ability and capability to provide that service in the geographical location of the Beneficiary. The Company must provide the Beneficiary with a copy of the service contract after signing it and provide the Beneficiary with a copy of this agreement via email or any other means available to him.
2-2 The Beneficiary agrees to pay the applicable tariff, and the Company is committed to providing the service in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, while adhering to and abiding by the approvals issued by the Authority. The Company may ask the Beneficiary to stay with the Company for a certain minimum period of time (“Minimum Subscription Period”) to provide the service, provided that it is mentioned in the service contract.
2-3 Unless the Beneficiary requests cancellation of the service provided by the Company, after the expiry of the Minimum Subscription Period, the Company will continue to provide the service and the subscription period will be renewed on a monthly basis, provided that explicit approval is obtained from the Beneficiary.
2-4 For services that have not yet been activated by the Company; the Company shall inform the Beneficiary of the start date of activating the service. In the event that the expected date of the start of activating the service for the Beneficiary is not known, the Company must inform the Beneficiary of that in writing, mentioning the reasons that prevent them from knowing the expected date of activation of the service. The Company shall also update the Beneficiary with the latest developments periodically.
2-5 The Beneficiary can upgrade the service at any time without incurring any additional fees other than the monthly Fees for the service after the upgrade. The fees for the upgraded service will be calculated from the date of activation of the application by calculating the remaining days of the month.
2-6 The Beneficiary is not entitled for a downgrade in the service during the Minimum Subscription Period specified in the Service Contract concluded between the two parties. If the Beneficiary wishes to downgrade the Service, he will have to pay the financial penalty for downgrading the Service within the Minimum Subscription Period.
After the expiry of the Minimum Subscription Period specified in the Service Contract concluded between the two parties, the Beneficiary has the right to downgrade the Service at any time, and accordingly the Service Fees intimated by the Company will be calculated, taking into account that the beginning of the Service downgrade will be from the beginning of the next calendar month.
2-7 The Company strives to provide the best telecommunications Services in the Coverage areas in the Sultanate of Oman, by adhering to the quality of Service requirements issued by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
2-8 To provide the best Services, the Beneficiary must follow these instructions:
• Not to use the Services or allow any other person to use them in a way that violates any laws or infringes on the rights of others.
• Not to use the Services or allow anyone else to use them for abusive or illegal purposes or to commit fraud.
• Not to use the network to access other people’s computers or communication devices without their consent.
• Not to interfere with others’ use of our Services.
2-9 AWASR reserves the right to remove any materials or contents that it believes, in its reasonable opinion, violate the terms of this Agreement or any other laws or that use the network for unethical practices.

Article (3):Beneficiary Obligations

3-1 Without prejudice to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law and its Executive Regulations, the Beneficiary must provide all accurate information the Company may request in order to enable it to perform its obligations under the terms and conditions of this agreement.
3-2 Without prejudice to the penalties stipulated in the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued pursuant to Royal Decree No. 30/2002, the Beneficiary has no right to redistribute the Internet service outside the contracted residential/ commercial unit, and bears all the resulting legal responsibility if this violation is proven.
The Authority or the Company has the right to terminate the service for the Beneficiary if a violation of this is proven, and to prevent the provision of the service for the period specified by the Authority.
3-3 The Beneficiary agrees to compensate the Company for all claims and liabilities, and to meet any losses that the Company may incur as a result of the Beneficiary’s misuse of its services, including:
1. Cyber-attacks targeting AWASR networks.
2. Destroying any of the devices or equipment provided by the Company for the purpose of connecting the service.
3-4 The Beneficiary agrees that if he uses the services provided to him in any way that may negatively impact the Company’s network or its provision of the services, the Company shall have the right in this case to impose restrictions on the Beneficiary’s uses of the Services.
3-5 AWASR is not responsible for any decrease in measured speeds for connecting to servers outside AWASR On-Net.
3-6 The Beneficiary is obligated to return all Devices provided by the Company which remain its property, upon the termination of the Service provided to them.

Article (4): The Company’s Obligations

4-1 The Company is committed to providing all its services in accordance with the licenses granted to it, laws, regulations, decisions, and all legislative and regulatory frameworks issued by the Authority.
4-2 The Company is committed to ensuring that all terms and obligations of telecommunications services provided to all beneficiaries are on a fair basis and without any discrimination in accordance with the applicable standards of the Authority.
4-3 In the event that it applies a new tariff or amends some of the terms of the existing tariff for the service or amends the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Company is committed to the following:
• Obtaining the Authority’s prior approval.
• Ensuring that beneficiaries are notified of this through one of the following means.
- Customer Service Centers and retail outlets.
- The Company’s website and social media channels.
The Authority may determine the means it deems appropriate, and the new tariff and amended conditions will be effective within the legal period specified by the Authority.
The Company will publish the amendments on all its communication channels, and will send those amendments according to the directives of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
4-4 The Company has the right, after obtaining the Beneficiary’s prior approval, to promote the services it provides at the address provided upon registration, by notifying him as follows:
• If the Beneficiary is a natural person:
By phone call, SMS, social media, or email.
• If the Beneficiary is a legal entity (a company):
Communication with the Beneficiary will be through the authorized person in the Beneficiary company or through the Company’s website or social media channels.
In all cases, the Beneficiary has the right to request that the promotion of these services be ceased by contacting the Company, one of its outlets, or any communication method provided by the Company.

Article (5): The time period for billing, payment methods, and forfeiture of the claim

5-1 The Beneficiary must pay the monthly bills in full on the Due Date, which is within thirty (30) days from the date the bill is issued.
The Beneficiary is obligated to settle his financial obligations incurred by one of the following means:
- Company outlets.
- The Company’s website or application.
- Other Beneficiary service outlets.
- Any other channels provided by the Company in the future.

If the Beneficiary provides the Company with credit or debit card details, the Company will be able to settle those amounts from his card automatically. The Company shall make every effort to inform the Beneficiary before doing so.
5-2 The Company must issue bills within a period of (90) ninety days from the date of providing the service, and the Company may not issue any bill for the value of one of the services after that period has passed, unless there is a technical defect as estimated by the Authority.
5-3 The Company is obligated to notify the Authority in writing of cases of delay in issuing the bills if the percentage of this delay reaches (10%) ten percent or more of the bills owed by the beneficiaries. In this case, the licensee is obligated to announce the delay and its reasons.
5-4 The Company's right to claim the amounts billed for services and other amounts due shall be forfeited after a year has passed since the date of their issuance without the licensee taking any action to collect them.
5-5 The Beneficiary will be billed once a month at the end of the monthly Billing Cycle, and the Company will send the bills via email or SMS.
The Beneficiary must review the bill and verify the accuracy of the information contained therein, and inform the Company of any error therein within a period not exceeding ninety (90) days from the date of issuance of the bill.
The Beneficiary has the right to submit inquiries or questions related to bills on the following issues:
- Accuracy of bill details, Fees, and amounts for all types of uses.
- Collection of Fees that were calculated incorrectly.
- Suspension of the Service without a valid reason.

Article (6): Basic Requirements for Quality of Service

6-1 The Company is committed to providing the service to the Beneficiary according to the telecommunications quality of service regulations. In the event of failure to provide Services with the agreed-upon quality, the Company is obligated to consider compensation for the Beneficiary, except in the case of Force Majeure.
If the service is affected, the Company is committed to making every effort to restore the Service as quickly as possible, taking into account the regulations and instructions issued by the Authority in this regard.
The Beneficiary is exempted from paying the tariff for the service provided to him if this is due to: cases of Force Majeure or when the service is interrupted continuously for a period of time longer than the one stipulated in the regulations on the outage of telecommunications services issued by the Authority.

Article (7): Ceasing, suspending and terminating the Service

7-1 Either party may terminate the Contract/ Service, taking into account the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in addition to adhering to the rules and regulations determined by the Authority.
7-2 In the event that the Beneficiary fails to pay any of the monthly installments due to the Company, the Company may temporarily cease the service provided to the Beneficiary after notifying him after (32) thirty-two days from the expiry of the date of issuance of the payable bill.
The Company will permanently disconnect the Service if a period of fifty (50) days from the date of issuing the due bill passes without payment. The time period for notifying the Beneficiary of the termination of the Service mentioned in the previous paragraph must not be less than (30) thirty days.
7-3 Without prejudice to any fines or financial dues that may result from terminating the service before its expiration date, the Beneficiary may request termination of the Service through the following:
- Visit one of the Company’s outlets.
- In the same way as he subscribed to the Service and by following the Company’s procedures.
Upon suspending, canceling or permanently disconnecting the Service, the Company is committed to facilitating the procedures for the Beneficiary’s request to terminate, change, or temporarily cease the Service, either by contacting the center or using online methods. The final bill will be issued to the Beneficiary after paying all the amounts due from him.
7-4 Without prejudice to other rights of termination under this Agreement, the Company has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, subject to the following conditions:
• Provide notice of termination within a statutory period before terminating the Agreement.
• Provide justified reasons for terminating the Agreement.
7-5 The Company has the right to temporarily stop or restrict the use of any of the Services and specify a date for that, provided that this is done by notifying the Beneficiary before five (5) working days as in the following cases:
• The Beneficiary’s noncompliance with the terms of service.
• Late payment of bills or any amounts owed to the Company. Subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Company has the right to permanently stop or restrict the use of any of the Services in the following cases:
• The Beneficiary’s use of the service for illegal, fraudulent, or criminal activity.
• Any activity that would negatively affect the network.
• By an order issued by the competent judicial authorities.
7-6 If the Suspension of the Service is due to late payment of bills or any sums of money owed to the Company, the Service will be restored after paying the bills and settling the sums owed to the Company. In the event of a technical malfunction that results in the Company being unable to deliver the Service to the Beneficiary again, the Beneficiary has the right to obtain appropriate compensation calculated on a proportionate basis for the period of subscription interruption.
7-7 The Company may, at its discretion, and after obtaining the necessary approvals from the Authority, and after notifying the Beneficiary, change the technical specifications of the services, provided that these changes do not materially affect the performance of the service provided.
Without prejudice to the regulations on the outage of telecommunications services issued by the Authority, the Company may temporarily stop the service for operational reasons such as: maintenance, developing or updating the service, or in emergency situations.
7-8 The service provider may not suspend or terminate a specific service or make additional services unavailable to the Beneficiary due to the presence of dues on another service, or on another number for the same Beneficiary.
7-9 The Beneficiary can terminate the service at any time, provided that he pays the applicable termination fees as follows:
• If the Beneficiary terminates the service before his site is connected to the Company’s network, the Beneficiary must pay the application fee for the Connection termination specified in the concluded service contract.
• If the Beneficiary wishes to change the location where the service is provided, he will have to disconnect the service and submit a new application according to the published prices.
• If the Beneficiary terminates the service during the Minimum Subscription Period after connecting his site to the Company’s network and running the service, the Beneficiary will have to pay a fine for early termination of the service in question, in addition to paying the value of the discount that the Beneficiary obtained when he subscribed under any promotional plan.
• Upon requesting termination of the service, the Beneficiary must return all (equipment/ devices) provided to him by AWASR, and he must also pay the price of all equipment and devices that the Beneficiary was unable to return to AWASR or that were damaged (except for damage resulting from manufacturing defects).

The service shall be terminated by signing the form designated for this purpose, through any outlet or store affiliated with AWASR or by online means, and the Beneficiary must pay all payable dues and return the equipment and devices to the Company or pay the price of the devices if they are damaged or not returned to AWASR.
The Beneficiary can terminate the Service if the Company delays connecting his site to the network for a period exceeding twenty-five (25) working days.
After the expiration of the Minimum Subscription Period that was specified in the service contract concluded between the two parties, the service contract remains automatically valid indefinitely until the Beneficiary terminates the service. The Beneficiary must pay all payable dues except for paying the amount for early termination of the service.
7-10 Without prejudice to the regulations on the outage of telecommunications services issued by the Authority, the Company may temporarily stop the service for operational reasons such as: maintenance, developing or updating the service, or in emergency situations.

The Company also does not bear any responsibility in the following cases:
A) Expected (planned) service outages, which are preceded by notification to the beneficiaries of the duration of the outage, and which are implemented between (12:00 AM) and (6:00 PM).
b) Unexpected (unplanned) service outages as a result of technical and technological malfunctions in the Beneficiary’s network, the repair of which may last for three (3) working days.
C) Unexpected (unplanned) service outages as a result of technical and technological malfunctions in the public network of AWASR and any of its infrastructure, the repair of which may continue for a period of (2) two working days.

Article (8): Deposit and Credit

8-1 a) In some cases, the Beneficiary may be required to pay a deposit to Awasar before connecting the service.
b) The Beneficiary may pay amounts in excess of the value of his monthly bill, and these excess amounts will appear as an additional balance.

Article (9): Limitations on Liability

9-1 The Company is exempted from its responsibility towards the Beneficiary in fulfilling any of its obligations, or providing its services if this was due to Force Majeure.
9-2 Without prejudice to the provisions of the law and the Company’s obligations under the decisions and licenses issued by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, the Company acknowledges that it will not be liable to the Beneficiary, in any case, for consequential, indirect or special damages or for loss of profits, and will not bear any other responsibility towards the Beneficiary except in the case of gross negligence or willful breach by the Company, its officers or employees.
9-3 The Company is exempt from the responsibility of ensuring the operation of the network on mobile communications devices bearing an incorrect, counterfeit or duplicate International Mobile Equipment Identifier.

Article (10):Access to the Beneficiary’s property

10-1 The Beneficiary shall allow the Company’s employees to enter his property (the service location) for the purpose of carrying out specific work related to providing the service to him, provided that he is notified of this in sufficient time and the specific time for entry is agreed upon, taking into account that these times are not during times known to be rest times.
10-2 In all cases, the Company employees who are allowed to enter the Beneficiary’s property are obligated not to cause any damage to the property, and to remove all waste that may result from their work activity and to return the building to the condition it was in. In the event of damage to property or contents, the company shall bear the responsibility.

Article (11): Shifting the Beneficiary’s location

11-1 If the Beneficiary moves to different locations after submitting the application, and is willing to receive the service at his new location, the Beneficiary must submit a new application.

The Beneficiary's existing services (and any application relating to the Beneficiary's existing locations) will not be transferred to the new location, and the Beneficiary will remain subject to the terms of the Minimum Subscription Period. The Company will terminate the service (or the submitted application) at the Beneficiary’s current location if he wishes to transfer the service to his new location, taking into account that this will be subject to the applicable service termination fees and applied in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3, 6 above.

The Company will provide the service at the Beneficiary's new location if the company's network Coverage is available. If the Company does not have Coverage in the area where the Beneficiary’s new location is located, the Company will not be able to provide the service to the Beneficiary.

If the Beneficiary submits a request to transfer the service for the subscription, the Beneficiary will be billed for the service transfer fees as follows:
1. During the Minimum Subscription Period, if the Beneficiary submits a request to transfer the service to his new location and takes the Company’s modem device from his current location to his new location, the published service transfer fees will be calculated for terminating the service during the Minimum Subscription Period at the Beneficiary’s current location.
2. During the Minimum Subscription Period, if the Beneficiary submits a request to transfer the service from his current location to a new location, and does not wish to take the Company’s modem device from his current location to the new location, or the Company’s device has been damaged or destroyed, the published service transfer fees in this case will be calculated for terminating the service during the Minimum Subscription Period at the Beneficiary’s current location, in addition to calculating the fine to replace and provide another modem device at the new location.
3. If the Beneficiary submits a request to transfer the service to his new location after the expiry of the Minimum Subscription Period and the Beneficiary does not wish to take the Company’s modem device from his current location to his new location, the published fine will be calculated for the replacement and provision of another modem device in the new location.
4. If the Beneficiary submits a request to transfer the service to his new location and takes the Company’s modem device from his current location to his new location after the expiry of the Minimum Subscription Period, no fees or fines will be charged to the Beneficiary.

Article (12):Equipment and devices

12-1 A. The company will provide the Beneficiary with devices and equipment that are compatible with the type of service provided. The ownership of the equipment and devices shall belong to AWASR Company unless otherwise stated in the service contract.
B. The Beneficiary is responsible for keeping and protecting all equipment and devices in good condition.
C. The Beneficiary shall bear responsibility for any loss or damage to such equipment and devices connected at his premises, except for normal use. Any damages that may occur to these devices and equipment that require repair or replacement will result in a financial fine for the Beneficiary.
D. The Company reserves the right to inspect or test the equipment and devices remotely or in the Beneficiary’s building after his approval at agreed upon times, without prejudice to the applicable laws related to the privacy of beneficiaries in the Sultanate of Oman.
E. The Beneficiary must not remove or scrape any logo or writing on such equipment and devices provided by the Company and must ensure that Users and other parties do not do so.
F. The Beneficiary is prohibited from tampering with the equipment or attempting to repair or maintain it and he has to ensure that other Users do not do so, and must not allow any party other than AWASR to do so, as any such attempt may void the manufacturer’s warranty. AWASR will repair the resulting faults and maintain the devices in accordance with the laws of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
G. The Beneficiary is prohibited from selling, pricing, transferring or disposing of AWASR’s equipment and devices.
H. The equipment and devices that will be replaced are subject to availability in stock, and may not be of the same type as the equipment and devices present at the Beneficiary’s premises. Nevertheless, AWASR will ensure the provision of equipment of no less quality and efficiency than the replaced equipment and devices.
I. During the Minimum Subscription Period, AWASR will repair and replace equipment that is defective for reasons other than misuse by the Beneficiary.
J. The Beneficiary agrees not to use any of the devices provided by AWASR to connect to Internet services provided by any other Internet service provider, and AWASR reserves the right to terminate the service contract if the Beneficiary does so.

Article (13): Subcontracting

13-1 AWASR has the right to subcontract with third parties to perform any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement.

Article (14): Fair Usage Policy

14-1 Without prejudice to the penalties stipulated in the Telecommunications Regulatory Act issued pursuant to Royal Decree No. 30/2002, the Beneficiary is not entitled to use the service other than for the purpose specified in the Service Contract. The Beneficiary also does not have the right to redistribute the internet service outside the contracted residential/ commercial unit, and bears all the resulting legal responsibility if this violation is proven.
The Authority or the Company has the right to terminate the service for the Beneficiary if a violation of this is proven, and prevent the delivery of the service to him according to the period specified by the Authority.

Article (15): Beneficiaries’ grievances to the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

15-1 The Beneficiary's complaint about the service is submitted to the Company in accordance with the provisions of the Customer Complaints Resolution Regulations issued by the Company.

The Company must decide on the complaint within a period not exceeding five (5) days from the date of its submission, and one working day in cases of urgency as specified by the Authority. The Company shall issue a decision to that effect, whereas the lapse of this period without deciding on the complaint shall be considered a rejection of it. The complaint must include details of the relevant facts and the solution proposed by the Company to take its decision on any of the following matters:
 • Billing or complaints related to malfunctions or service.
 • Feedback on the quality of service provided.
 • Financial obligations imposed on the Beneficiary as a condition for continuing to receive or obtain the service.
 • Disconnection or reconnection of the service.
 • Interpretation of terms of service.
 • Interpretation or application of any of the definitions prescribed by the Authority.
 • Handling the Beneficiary confidential information.
 • Any violation of the confidentiality or privacy terms in the Company’s license. Any other matters within the jurisdiction of the Authority.

Article (16):Prohibiting the use of devices/ software that do not belong to AWASR or services provided by others

16-1 a) If the Beneficiary obtains hardware/ software from another source, and these devices do not support all the services provided by the Company, the Company is not obligated in this case to take any action to provide the network to the Beneficiary.

b) The Company does not provide any guarantees regarding the accuracy, adequacy or currency of any content or any of the materials that reach the Beneficiary using the services provided by the Company, nor does the Company bear any responsibility or liability in aspects related to the quality or nature of the content of those materials in the event of providing the Beneficiary with these services by others.

Article (17): Content and software services

17-1 a) The Company is not responsible for any content that is not its own. It also does not support any content, opinions, messages or information accessed through the services provided to the Beneficiary. The Beneficiary has the right to determine the type of content he would like to access and save in the manner stipulated by the regulating laws. The company also does not restrict, monitor, or control the content that the User views. The Beneficiary must monitor the content viewed by children or minors.

b) The Company has the discretion, without notifying the Beneficiary in advance, to delete or modify any content that may be considered abusive, offensive, reprehensible, immoral, illegal, or that would violate the intellectual property rights of others.

Article (18): Domain name, numbers, identification codes, IP addresses, etc.

18-1 Ownership of all telecommunications numbers is public property, and the Authority has the authority to determine, allocate, reallocate, reserve, modify and recover them according to its discretion. Accordingly, the phone number that the company allocates to the Beneficiary is not owned by him. The phone number can be changed or withdrawn at any time after informing the Beneficiary in accordance with the regulatory frameworks issued by the Authority in this regard.

The Company has the right - provided that the Beneficiary is notified - to reallocate the Beneficiary’s number for technical reasons, and is not responsible for any loss or damage or any cost incurred by the Beneficiary as a consequence. Upon reallocating or distributing numbers, the company adheres to the instructions issued by the Authority in this regard.

If the services provided by the Company to the Beneficiary include granting him a domain name or any other type of numbers, identification codes, and internet protocol addresses, the Beneficiary acknowledges that all of these sources belong to the body regulating the sector, i.e. the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, and that ownership of those numbers, codes, addresses, etc. does not belong to the Beneficiary himself. The Beneficiary may be asked to return it if the Authority requests so.

Article (19): Confidentiality of Beneficiary data and information

19-1 Without prejudice to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law and its Executive Regulations, the Company’s use of the Beneficiary’s information and personal data is subject to this Agreement and AWASR Company’s privacy policy, which was formulated in accordance with the Telecommunications Regulatory Act and its Executive Regulations and other regulations issued by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority. The Privacy Policy forms an integral part of this agreement.

The privacy policy approved by AWASR

As one of AWASR's respected customers or visitors to its website, or one of the people who have contacted it and provided it with personal information, we would like to inform you that AWASR is committed to respecting the privacy of its customers, and the applicable laws in this regard.
The company has designed a privacy policy to explain how information is collected, used and protected. You must read this policy along with the terms and conditions published on the company’s website, and any specific terms and conditions related to any of the services provided by AWASR. You can visit our website without revealing any personal identity information (please note that we may use cookies and we collect other non-personally identifiable information about your browsing activities). If you provide personal information, we will only use it to support our continuing relationship with you.

1. Collection of personal information
1-1 We are committed to collecting and using your personal information only with your knowledge and consent, and we will typically do so when you use AWASR services, raise inquiries, request registration, obtain other information or services, submit a job application, or when you respond to our communications with you.

2. Call Recording We may record calls made by customers and others to the Company's Call Center for purposes such as training or other purposes in accordance with the law.

3. Other information We may also collect other non-personal information during your visit to our website and through your browsing activities. This action helps us better manage and develop our sites and provide you with future, enjoyable and customized services and experiences.

4. How does AWASR use the information you provide?
4-1 We may use your information for several purposes, including:
  - Conducting a credit assessment.
  - Accommodating your requests, organizing and managing your account, including issuing your invoices.
  - Providing you with any services or information you requested.
  - Responding to your inquiries, or verifying your identity when necessary.
  - Providing guidance information.
4-2 We may also choose the way in which we promote our products or services or the carefully selected products and services of third parties based on your use of our services. This may require contacting you to provide you with information on updates, offers, services and special promotional activities sent by mail, telephone or by automated means such as SMS, email, Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), and the World Wide Web. You can cancel these services at any time using a mechanism that we will provide to you.
4-3 Providing us with data means that you agree to our use of it in accordance with AWASR’s privacy policy.
4-4 You may contact us to update your information or to inform us of how you would like to receive or limit information on AWASR and/or offers and services provided by third parties.
4-5 Once we receive and verify a written request from the relevant authorities, we will allow customers and others about whom the Company holds information to correct or update their personal data that may be inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.

5. When will we disclose your information to others?
  5-1 We will not disclose or sell your personal information to third parties unless we obtain your permission or unless required by a relevant law or regulation.
  5-2 As part of providing you with services related to communications subscriptions and operation, we may be required or may need to disclose your information to the following internal/ external partners/ interested parties:
 - Law enforcement institutions.
 - Government institutions.
 - Companies or organizations that assist us in processing or otherwise carrying out transactions and providing you with services related to the telecommunications subscription you have requested.
 - Estimating or collecting any taxes or fees if necessary.
 - Other parties for which you have given your express consent.

6. Cookies
  6-1 We may use cookies to record data such as User identification and general log data available on your personal devices. This procedure helps us recognize you on subsequent visits so that you do not have to re-enter your registration data every time we have the pleasure of your visit to us, and this procedure also allows us to provide you with more enjoyable and bespoke services.

7. Information Security
  7-1 Communications over the Internet, such as email, webmail, etc., are considered insecure unless they are encrypted. Due to the nature of the World Wide Web/ Internet, your communications may pass through a number of countries before being received. AWASR does not bear any responsibility for any unauthorized access or loss of personal information that is beyond our control, and we will use reasonable and standard efforts to prevent such unauthorized access.

8. Privacy support
  8-1 We may make amendments or changes to our Privacy Policy at any time in response to any amendments to applicable laws and legislation.
  8-2 AWASR values its Customers and Users of its website, and therefore, if you have any inquiries regarding our privacy policy, you can contact us daily, around the clock, via the toll-free number: 8000 1000, or via the following email:

AWASR policy for resolving disputes and complaints

1. If you have a complaint regarding any of the services provided by AWASR, or if you wish to file a complaint with AWASR, you must first attempt to resolve the complaint or dispute through the following channels:
  - Contact us on phone number: 8000 1000.
  - Send a message to our following email:
  - Visit one of AWASR’s stores or kiosks during working hours.

2. You must obtain a written acknowledgment of AWASR’s receipt of your complaint.

3. Your written complaint must state the following:
  a. The type of service that you purchase/ have purchased from AWASR.
  b. The nature of the service complaint.
  c. Your account number or evidence that you are a customer of AWASR.
  d. Your claims.
  e. The efforts you made to resolve the dispute prior to submitting your written complaint.
  f. Proof of identity such as an ID card or resident card. You must also attach copies of all documents related to the complaint.

4. We may contact you to resolve the dispute, and if we do so, please negotiate with us in good faith.

5. We will issue our final decision regarding resolving the dispute or proposing an appropriate solution in accordance with the procedures and policies of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.

6. If you are not satisfied with the solution provided by AWASR regarding the complaint, you have the right to negotiate with AWASR regarding the decision issued, and you have the right to inform the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of your dissatisfaction.

7. If AWASR employees do not resolve the complaint or dispute to your satisfaction or if you do not receive a response from them within 5 working days, the Beneficiary has the right to file the complaint with the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.

8. You can also submit a complaint to the Authority according to the Beneficiary complaints procedures approved by the Authority.

List of Charges & Penalties

1. Installation Charges:

The below table describes the charges that will be charged to the customer/s for each connection requested through Awasr

Description Details Segment Charge(OMR) Type of Charge
Installing Charge These charges are applicable for any new connection at one or more permises for Residential or Business Residential and Business 15 OMR One time (Advance or on first bill)

2. Equipment Lease, modification, replacement:

All equipment provided by Awasr will be owned by Awasr and leased to the customer during their tenure, the device will be
1. Replacement modification and Damages, In case of any damage due to customer negligence to the device, or request to replace or modify existing device, these charges will apply. Segment is Residential and the charge is 5 OMR and Type of charge is One time.
In case the defected device not due to customer, the customer will not be charge 5 OMR.

Description Details Segment Charge(OMR) Type of Charges
CPE Lease These charges describe the Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) that will be charged to the customer on monthly basis Residential and SME 3 OMR Monthly & Included the package prices
Replacement, Repair modification and Damages In case of any damage due to customer negligence to the CPE, or request to replace or modify existing device, these charges will apply Residential and SME 45 OMR One time

3. Termination and Other charges:

Where a customer requests termination or change of location, the customer must ;

  • Pay all previous dues with Awasr
  • Pay the contract termination fee if the termination occurred within the contract period
  • Return or move the equipment (Modem and Adapter) to the new location or return that equipment to a recognized Awasr store or approved dealers

The below table describes the charges for termination

Description Details Segment Charge(OMR) Type of Charge
Contract termination charge Terminating a contract before the minimum commitment Residential 55/110 OMR Depending on customer contract (one year / two years)
Contract termination charge Terminating a contract before the minimum commitment period SME 85/170/255 OMR Depending on customer contract (One year / two years/ three years )
Change location charge Where customer would like to move from one location to another and has not completed the minimum commitment period Residential 55 OMR Prorated(according to when the change is requested)
Change location charge Where customer would like to move from one location to another and has not completed the minimum commitment period SME 85 OMR Prorated(according to when the change is requested)
Lost or returned Equipment If a customer fails to return Equipment (CPE) to Awasr then a charge for the Equipment will need to be paid Residential and SME 45 OMR One time
Modify Charges Any modification to the OBC Fibre Optic infrastructure within the customer premises (a request to modify the network within the customer premises) for example re-positioning the CAP to a different location, or even re-routing of the conduit and fibre cable across his premises Residential and SME 20 OMR One time
Damage caused by customer include but not limited to CAP, Fiber (above or underground) and or any other damage that causes an interruption to the ongoing service If any of the fault is due to customer. Residential and SME 50 OMR One time
Technical visit charge where no fault is found or the fault is due to customer damage A technical visit requested by the customer where no fault is found of the fault is due to customer damage. Residential and SME 10 OMR One time
Cancellation Charge If the customer cancels a request prior to the installation date or prior to any actual installation in the case where the survey has already been completed and the customer's approval to start the work was obtained, Residential and SME 10 OMR One time
Postponement of connection after CAP is installed The customer request to delay the connection once the CAP is installed due to any reason Residential 10 OMR Monthly Prorated
Postponement of connection after CAP is installed The customer request to delay the connection once the CAP is installed due to any reason SME 15 OMR Monthly Prorated

  • For additional of add-on service, will be charged additional to package bundle pricing.
  • Customer contract will continue as per last agreed term post contract term is over, until termination or change request initiated by the Customer end
  • Jawwy TV Mobile App - Customers depending on the new package criteria (as updated in this document section 4.2) should receive the Jawwy TV mobile applications
  • Pre-order – All the above-mentioned business rules are also applicable for customers who are doing a pre-order (Once the order is connected)

Barqi mesh Wi-Fi:

1. Barqi Wi-Fi Add-On is available to new and existing Subscribers to AWASR’s Fibernet home.
2. Subscribers with old packages (that are no longer offered at AWASR’s Fibernet home product portfolio) can add the Barqi Wi-Fi Add-On to their subscription.
3. Subscribers with Lite packages must upgrade to add the Barqi Wi-Fi Add-On.
4. Subscribers who upgrade their Fibernet home plan to one (1) Giga, or ten (10) Giga will receive one (1) free Barqi Wi-Fi pack.
5. Each Barqi Wi-Fi pack includes three (3) device units.
6. Subscribers can purchase the Barqi Wi-Fi pack with a twenty-four (24) months’ installment plan as a payment method.
a. any discount on the Fibernet home plan will not be applicable on the Barqi Wi-Fi pack payment plan installments.
b. If a Subscriber upgrades Fibernet home plan, the Barqi Wi-Fi pack payment plan installment amount will remain the same.

7. When adding Barqi Wi-Fi Add-On the Subscriber’s Fibernet home plan contract will be renewed.
8. Subscribers may purchase up to three (3) Barqi Mesh Wi-Fi device packs (i.e. nine (9) units) during the minimum subscription period of their Fibernet home plan.
9. Subscribers with suspended Fibernet home plan must first settle their overdue amounts before being eligible for Barqi Wi-Fi Add-On.
10. In case of termination of the Fibernet home plan, the Subscriber must pay the remaining amounts of Barqi Wi-Fi pack payment plan installments.
11. Barqi Wi-Fi Add-On availability is subject to pack stock levels.
12. Barqi Wi-Fi Add-On is subject to Fibernet home terms and conditions. In case of any conflict, these Terms and Conditions will apply.